Learning materials ​

Always up-to-date, available, affordable and accessible

Lifelong learning for everyone

We want everyone to have equal opportunities to learn throughout life ​

About us

MyLearnView is an innovative publisher specializing in digital learning and teaching materials.

Our digital tools and solutions have been developed by students at NTNU and NHH, in collaboration with SLATE (Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology) at UiB in Norway.


Interview with Geir Vatnelid, a teacher at Fagskulen Vestland


Program Global South​

Students and teachers all over the world face challenges with expensive and outdated textbooks. Especially, in the Global South where the price of textbooks makes learning materials inaccessible to a large portion of the students. Consequently, the disparity between the rich and the poor increases and the world loses talents. ​

Together with universities in Tanzania and Norway, we are establishing a program to adapt and implement MyLearnView in the Global South. Our ambition is to not only lower the price of learning materials, but also provide it free of charge to selected groups of students. ​


Dr. Titus Tenga speaks about the program